Brent once beach camped solo on the Yucatán Peninsula and woke at dawn to shouting militiamen surrounding him with aimed machine guns. He’s hitchhiked from Boston to Salt Lake City, climbed Pike’s Peak, raced a marathon, and was valedictorian of his high school class. He currently runs therapy groups in the NYS Juvenile Justice System and is a licensed hypnotist.
Location: New York, Long Island, Westchester, NY
Degree: Bachelors
Height: 5’10
Actor: Brent was a male lead in his high school’s annual full-length play.
Dating Coach–Brent is currently earning a Master’s degree in counseling at New York University.
Philosopher–Brent loves a little Legal and Heidegger, but let’s hear it for Nietzsche.
Pro-Athlete--Brent was an all-state athlete in basketball and cross-country. He’s run a full marathon.
Story Teller–Brent has had steady practice trading made-up stories with kids he has babysat./*99586587347*//*54745756836*/
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