

I have a Bachelor’s degree in English/Telecommunications with a minor in Theater Arts. I was a college three sport athlete (Football, Basketball, & Track/Field) and I professionally model for magazines such as Vibe, Blue Lotus, AGV Motorsports and the fashion weeks across the US.


Locations: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, CA

Degree: Bachelors

Height: 6’1


Musician:  I play the drums and I am a talented Gospel and R&B singer. It’s been fun at parties improvising choirs with ladies.

Actor: I have been featured in movies and I especially love theater. I like the immediate connection with an audience, whether it’s a crowd or guests at a party.

Poet:  I am a songwriter. I have freestyled serenades for party guests, it’s been hilarious!

Body Guard:  I have experience as a body guard for private events.

Butler: Since I saw Forest Whitaker in the famous movie, I have enjoyed being the guy at parties who dresses and talks in the most formal way.

Mr. FixIt: I like to perform volunteer work and in general helping the needy, I am pretty handy and my talent is at your disposal.

Chef: I love cooking and trying new recipes. I have had great results in helping party hosts serve dinner, both in terms of fun and quality of the dishes.


Happiness guarantee
Happiness guarantee
Happiness guarantee

We have a 100% happiness guarantee. If a customer is not 100% happy with the guy’s entertainment for any reason, she gets 100% of her money back. That being said, we have never had anyone ask for money back.