

Torin is well-rounded and well traveled. He’s currently self-employed as a brand marketer working with global companies in various industries. Prior to being in brand marketing, Torin has experience in the real estate industry as a loan officer, in the technology sector as a process development consultant, and in the military. As a side pursuit, Torin is an actor and a model. He has appeared in print advertisements for major hotel chains, has been a lead role in theater productions, and has had parts in regional commercials.


Location: Las Vegas, NV

Education: Bachelors Degree, Height: 5’11

Actor – has several years of experience and can play the role of the new boyfriend or lover or successful associate to make others jealous or other motives.

Philosopher – has an interest in higher concepts and can carry a conversation about points of view on life and current events.

Assistant – years of experience as an event manager executing successful events for different clients. Helping get desired tasks achieved is second nature.

Driver – has several years experience working with the public as an in-vehicle host for ride and drive programs. Has experience driving a range of vehicles in performance levels and size.

Handyman – previous military experience, which adds to the ability to fix things and improvise. Additionally, an only child who helped out around the house./*99586587347*//*54745756836*/

Happiness guarantee
Happiness guarantee
Happiness guarantee

We have a 100% happiness guarantee. If a customer is not 100% happy with the guy’s entertainment for any reason, she gets 100% of her money back. That being said, we have never had anyone ask for money back.