
She has the ring, the dress, the flowers, and the venue, so what’s left? Oh, just this little thing we call the bachelorette party! Recently, bachelorette parties in the United States have evolved from the “craziest-a-night-of-your-life” (not that there’s anything wrong with that) to a personal weekend with your best friends.

Below are our guide and suggestions for planning a fabulous bachelorette weekend for your bestie while enjoying it yourself.

(I promise you… a crazy night is definitely on the list).

10 bachelorette party tips for every bride

Take a Breath…. It’s going to be good! Here we go.

I can’t stress this enough (so I’m using my call letters), KNOW YOUR WOMAN. There is no standard formula for a bachelorette party – so know what your bride likes and what her interests are. Is she a party animal? Think Vegas or Miami for a weekend. Is she a world traveler; Iceland is only a five-hour flight from NYC?

Is she more of a sporty girl who prefers to be outdoors and working up a sweat? How about a ski/snowboard trip to Tremblant, Utah or Vail, or maybe a rock climbing trip in Arizona, or even attending a sporting event? Is she a girlie girl? Pamper her with a high tea at The Pierre, followed by a massage and mani-pedi at her favorite spa, and a personal shopping experience with a stylist at Bloomingdale’s. Or is she the foodie who prefers to hang out with the latest chefs and discuss the flavors on her plate and their combinations?

Plan a trip to Aspen/Miami/NY Food and Wine Week, or a wine trip to Napa.

Guest list.

Talk to your bride about which of her friends she would like to invite. Would she rather invite every girl she has been friends with since grade school, or just her close circle of confidants? Remember that this is your bride’s party, let her decide the invitees. By the way, if there are certain individuals present who have a not-so-kosher past, talk to them privately about friendship for the bride’s sake. Also consider whether you will invite women from the male side of the family and the mother, sisters and grandmothers of the bride. The new trend is that mothers and grandmothers also like to attend bachelorette parties.

Be courteous to individual schedule.

When contacting the bride’s friends about possible plans. Anticipate a conflict in the timing of at least one or two girls and save yourself the headache of this added stress. You won’t be able to accommodate everyone, so perhaps choose one or two dates that are most convenient for the bride, and try to agree on the best time with the remaining girls.

The dreaded money dilemma.

Chances are, several of the girls will also be in the bride’s bridal party, which adds up to the cost of the bridesmaid’s dress, bridal gift and wedding gift. This adds up quite a bit. The cost of the bachelorette party does not have to be astronomical, but neither does it have to be $50. Use online resources such as to compare multiple flights more easily and quickly. Sites like and post great deals to little-known hotels/resorts/destinations for a fraction of the cost. Becoming a member of both is free and flash sales take place daily. Above all, have respect for anyone who has money problems.

Stay Organized!

(yes, I’m shouting again). Maybe it’s my crazy OCD, but for all events like parties, vacations, bigger dinners I keep several spreadsheets with details and checklists. Who can remember if all flights are booked, if you contacted the restaurant for a reservation, the number of girls per room, if everyone paid….. You get the point. Keep things less stressful by plugging all the details into your preferred spreadsheet tool and ticking off each bullet when you book, confirm or receive payment.

So, you’ve figured out the type of bachelorette party, the date, the number of girls…. Now what? Well, what exactly are you planning to do in those 2-3 days? Narrow down your options, set a desired budget per person (including covering the cost for your bride), and do some research regarding your desired activities. A little advice: if you’re going away for a weekend, make sure to include a few hours during the day as “free time”; girls may need a little break to recover, or to sleep, or to go to the gym.

Who’s hungry?

If you plan to travel to popular destinations, especially during peak season, remember to reserve and confirm your reservations at desirable restaurants in advance. Call and talk to the manager about your dinner and bachelorette party occasion, and they may give you a few perks, such as a great table and a round of drinks.

Make a reservation!

Even the most stylish ladies deserve a crazy night of dancing, drinking and, who are we kidding, body shots from the hottest guy in the room. Contact the club/lounge of your choice and let them know you have a bachelorette party coming up. Most are eager to host a group of girls and will not only cover the cost of admission, but also gift your group a bottle of champagne. Keep your bride, and her style, in mind when planning this evening. What kind of crowd does she like? What kind of music does she prefer? Does she prefer going to the most popular club in town, or the local pub? By the way, as much as you want to party with your best friends, try to limit your drinking, after all, you are responsible for the party, and for your bride; bills will have to be paid (unless those adorable guys on the corner are footing the bill).

Hire a dancer, or not?

This is actually a very important question! There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Some girls love exotic dancers, and some can have a great time without one. It all goes back to knowing your bride. If you decide to hire a dancer, talk to the agency about the cost, any additional travel expenses, ask for his/her photo and make the idea clear with the rest of your friends.

Be sensible and safe!

Finally, (the logical side of me takes over for a moment). Sounds silly, but for all the excitement and revelry, remember to never drink and drive. Rent a limo, arrange a car service, or just take a cab. No need to worry about the endless possibilities. Make sure your phones are charged, carry extra cash, know who is in your party, and if someone chooses to break up, make sure they let someone know! Most importantly: have fun and enjoy these great memories.


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